Therefore, immersion of GO in deoxygenated 6 M KOH did not reduce GO to RGO, but the ionization of the COOH groups into COO- had taken place at room temperature. However, at higher temperatures (90°C), Fan [30] reported that exfoliated GO can be reduced to graphene
in the absence of reducing agents in strong alkaline solutions. Figure 3 FTIR of evaporated GO on graphite immersed Aloxistatin concentration in deoxygenated 6 M KOH solution. (a) 1 h (b) 4 days. FESEM and EIS Figure 4a,b,c shows the FESEM images of the graphite surface, the evaporated GO films, and ERGO, respectively. It can be seen that the graphite surface consists of compressed flakes of graphite due to the manufacturing process of the material. The FESEM image of the evaporated GO films presents a uniform serrated surface due to the evaporation of the material onto the graphite surface. With GO electroreduction to ERGO in deoxygenated KOH solution, the same surface morphology was maintained as seen in Figure 4c. The GO film was formed from stacked individual layers of GO on the graphite this website substrate, as the compressed graphite flake surface is no longer visible in Figure 4b,c. Therefore, the electrochemical reduction of the
GO film was limited to the surface layer of the film. Figure 4 FESEM of (a) graphite surface (b) evaporated GO on graphite, and (c) ERGO on graphite. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were done on both GO and ERGO surfaces in the presence of 23 mM of both [FeII(CN)6]4- and [FeIII(CN)6]3-, with 0.1 KCl as the supporting electrolyte. Figure 5a,b shows the Nyquist plots for GO and ERGO, respectively. The Nyquist plots for both GO and ERGO show one semi-circle at higher frequencies which is consistent with the redox reaction of the [FeII(CN)6]4- / [FeIII(CN)6]3- couple across the WE-electrolyte interface. This semi-circle represents the parallel combination of the charge transfer
resistance and double-layer capacitance across the electrode-electrolyte interface. The Nyquist plot for GO and ERGO also shows the presence of a Warburg element at lower frequencies Farnesyltransferase which is consistent with the diffusion limiting condition of the redox couple in the solution. The R1(Q[R2W]) equivalent circuit model was found to accurately fit the experimental data, where an excellent agreement between the experimental data and the simulation of the equivalent circuit model was obtained, with the chi-squared (x 2) value was minimized to 10-4. The continuous lines are the simulated data while the symbols represent the experimental data in Figure 5a,b. Figure 5 Nyquist plots in the presence of 23 mM [Fe II (CN) 6 ] 3- /4- with 0.1 KCl supporting electrolyte. (a) GO, and (b) ERGO. The equivalent circuit model can be explained as follows: the R 1 is the solution resistance between the RE-CE and the WE.