The next step for cell recruitment is the attachment of neutrophils to the endothelium to promote migration, so we measured E selectin and ICAM 1 expression in lung ho mogenates. E selectin during levels were similar among groups after low pressure ventilation, and increased after VILI in vehicle and levofloxacin treated mice. However, clarithromycin treatment dampened this increase in expres sion and protein levels in this group were similar to those found in animals ventilated with low pressure. ICAM 1 increased in all the groups after injurious ven tilation with no differences among treatment groups. Panel 3C shows representative western blots. Finally, we measured matrix metalloproteinases, as its activity is required for the digestion of the extracellular fibers during cell migration.
Matrix metalloproteinase 9 is a gelatinase released mainly by neutrophils after activation. High pressure ventilation in creased MMP 9 levels in lung homogenates. Interestingly, levofloxacin treated animals showed higher levels of MMP 9, irrespective of the ventilatory settings. Matrix metalloproteinase 2, which is a ubiquitous gelatinase, increased Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries after VILI, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries but without differences among treat ment groups. Discussion Our results show that pretreatment with clarithromycin ameliorates ventilator induced lung injury and decreases the lung neutrophilic infiltrate. This effect is related to a decrease in NF��B activity and E selectin levels, that could be the mechanisms responsible for the decreased leukocyte recruitment.
Mechanical Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ventilation can induce or aggravate lung injury by a multifactorial mechanism, in which deform experimental groups and a representative western blot of nuclear Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries extracts. Chemokines are inflammatory mediators involved in neutrophil recruitment. Expression of Cxcl2 gene was measured in all the experimental groups. Mechanical ventilation increased its expression, but there ation of lung tissue triggers a complex biological re sponse. Inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling and different types of cell death have been described in response to mechanical Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ventilation. Among these, alveolar inflammation with neutrophilic infiltration has been widely studied. Different strategies aimed to decrease the polymorphonuclear infiltration within the lung have been demonstrated effective to decrease ventilator induced lung injury.
Our results show a decreased neutrophilic infiltration in clarithromycin treated animals, which could be the mechanism respon sible for the beneficial effect of this macrolide. However, we did not find an improvement in alveolocapillary per meability. It has been proposed that the mechanisms that promote edema and cell infiltration could be inde pendently regulated. Macrolides are a family of antibiotics with immuno modulatory properties.