FKHR Forkhead transcription factor. g gram. LVDevP Left ventricular developed pressure. Min minutes. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ml milliliter. mM millimolar. O2 oxygen. % percentage. PMSF Phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride. PTEN Phoshoinositide lipid 3 phosphotase. PIP3 Phos phatidylinositol 3,4,5 trisphosphate. PDK 1 Phosphoi nositide dependent kinase 1. PI 3K Phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase. PARP Poly polymerase RPP rate pressure product. ROS reactive oxygen species. RPO red palm oil. PKBAkt Serinethreonine protein kinase, pro tein kinase B or AKT. SEM Standard error of the mean. H2O water. Wn wortmannin. Background Mammalian Aurora kinases, including Aurora A, B, and C, represent a new family of serinethreonine kinases crucial for several physiological processes including cytokinesis and chromosome segregation.
Aberrant expression and activity Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of Aurora kinase lead to formation of abnor mal spindle in mitosis and aneuploidy which are closely associated with genomic instability. Indeed, Aurora A is frequently overexpressed in various cancer types, such as ovarian, breast, colorectal, pancreatic, blad der and gastric Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cancer. Overexpression of Aur A induces tumorigenesis, metastasis and chemoresistance, correlating with its pro survival function in cancer cells. Thus, Aurora kinase has been considered to be an onco protein and a promising molecular target for cancer ther apy. We and others previously reported that Aur A induced cell survival and migration were correlated with Akt activation. Phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase Akt signaling pathway is involved in survival and invasion in human cancers.
Akt, which consists of a family of highly conserved serinethreonine kinases, plays a key role in mediating insulin like growth factor 1 stimulated cell survival response. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Many pro apoptotic proteins Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries have been identified as direct or indirect Akt substrates, includ ing glycogen synthase kinase 3, Bad and fork head transcription factors. In addition, Aur A was reported to up regulate NFBsignaling by phosphoryla tion of IkappaB. NF B stimulates prolifera tion and blocks apoptosis via modulating transcription of pro survival genes such as Bcl xL and Bcl 2 in a number of cancer cell types. Intra cellular negative regulation of NF B is controlled primarily through interactions with IB family, which prevent nuclear translocation and DNA binding of NF B. The exact mechanism and pathway by which Aur A promotes cancer cell survival and anti apop tosis however remain unclear. Tongue squamous cell sellectchem carcinoma, the common type of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, is associ ated with a high mortality rate. The poor survival of tongue cancer is mainly due to tumor recurrence and regional lymph node metastasis, the most reliable prog nostic indicators for patients.