poly morphism of pre miR 196a2 gene was observed in several malignant diseases, including head and neck cancer, and has been associated with cancer susceptibility or prognosis. These studies indicate that miR 196 dysregulation plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Consistent selleck chem with other reports, we previously observed miR 196 overe pression in oral cancer cell lines. In that study, we fur ther identified miR 196 overe pression in the cancer tissues of appro imately 90% of patients with oral cancer compared to their e pression in normal tissue, and this overe pression was associated with an aggressive phenotype with lymph node invasion. These re sults demonstrate the significance of miR 196 in the devel opment of oral cancer. There are limited reports on the role of miR 196 in cancer development.
In a study of breast cancer, ectopic miR 196a e pression suppressed cell invasion, but the e pression level of miR 196 was not correlated with the clinical metastatic status. This result is different from the findings in gastrointestinal cancers, in which miR 196 overe pression promotes cell migration and in vasion in colorectal and gastric cancer cells. In another study, transfection of miR 196a mimic oligo nucleotides into esophagus cells revealed that miR 196a promoted cell proliferation and suppressed apoptosis. Thus far, the function of miR 196 in cancer re mains obscure. In this study, we determined the role of miR 196 in oral cancer using both silencing and overe pression approaches.
We found that both miR 196a and miR 196b actively promoted cell migration and invasion, which were supported by the altered e pression of fibronectin and N cadherin. However, neither miR 196a nor miR 196b affected cell growth and colony formation. Hence, the main function of the miR 196 family in oral cancer is the regulation of cell mobility and invasiveness. Identification of the target molecules of these miRNAs is of high interest. Previously, several molecules were re ported as regulatory targets of miR 196. HO family members have been reported primarily, including HO B7 in melanoma, HO A in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and HO C8 in melanoma and breast cancer. In this study, four HO family genes were identified as targets of miR 196. However, none of these genes responded to miR 196 perturbation. This difference may be due to the distinct tissue specificity among the various regulatory targets of miR 196.
In this study, after clarifying the correlation between NME4 and miR 196 e pression in cells, assessing the response of NME4 to miR 196 modulation, we identified NME4 as a direct target of miR 196a and miR 196b in oral cancer Entinostat using a luciferase reporter assay, NME4, also named nm23 H4, is a member of the nm23 family. The proteins in this family possess nu cleoside diphosphate kinase activity, which is believed to be involved in DNA repair mechanisms. Nm23 fam ily proteins also contain the RGD domain, as they can bind to integrin, namely and this family has been post