Tumors developed in > 80% of mice and were usually visible within

Tumors developed in > 80% of mice and were usually visible within a few days of implantation. Once they reached a diameter of 3 to 5 mm, tumors were measured daily with calipers to ensure a consistent size at the outset of treatment. Treatment was initiated when the tumors had grown to a diameter of 12 mm as previously described [6]. For the this website single agent study, mice were randomized to the following treatment arms: Fc control, mL4-3, L1-7, trebananib. For the combination study, the arms were given as follows:

Fc control, sunitinib, trebananib, trebananib + sunitinib, sunitinib + L1-7, and sunitinib + mL4-3. The dosing and schedule of treatment are given as follows: sunitinib (53.6 mg/kg) was administered 6 of 7 days per week by gavage. Human Fc (2.8 mg/kg, twice weekly), Ang1 inhibitor mL4-3 (20 mg/kg, daily), Ang2 inhibitor L1-7 (2.8 mg/kg, twice weekly), and dual Ang1/2 inhibitor (AMG 386, trebananib) (2.8 mg/kg, twice weekly) were injected subcutaneously. Tumor long axis and short axis were measured daily. Tumor volume was calculated by the formula long axis × short axis × short axis/2 to determine growth curves. Treatment B-Raf assay was continued until tumors grew to 20 mm (i.e., the maximum allowable growth by Institutional Animal

Care and Use Commitee) or roughly day 50, at which point the mice were killed. Tumor perfusion imaging with arterial spin-labeled magnetic resonance imaging (ASL MRI) was performed as previously described [5], [17] and [18] and quantified using standard methods [19]. A single transverse slice of ASL was carefully positioned at the center of

the tumor, which was marked on the skin with a permanent marker pen for follow-up MRI studies. Leukotriene-A4 hydrolase To determine tumor perfusion, a region of interest was drawn freehand around the peripheral margin of the tumor by using an electronic cursor on the reference image that was then copied to the perfusion image. The mean blood flow for the tumor tissue within the region of interest was derived. Statistical significance was calculated for the plasma analysis by Wilcoxon sign rank test for paired data and Wilcoxon rank sum for unpaired data. Tumor growth curves are presented with mean tumor volume ± standard error. Tumor perfusion comparisons were performed using a Student’s t-test. P < 0.05 was considered significant. Expression of Ang2 and other angiogenic genes including Ang1, VEGF, VEGFR2, and CD31 was analyzed by RT-PCR from samples of non-malignant kidney tissue (n = 4), ccRCC tissue (n = 16), and other non-renal tumor tissue including bladder, lymphoma, lung (adeno), lung (squamous), laryngeal, ovarian, prostate, gastric, breast, colorectal, and pancreatic tumors (n = 133; Figure 1). Ang2 expression levels in ccRCC were 6.3-fold higher than in all other tumor types (P < 0.001). Ang2 expression in ccRCC was 11.

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