Time courses of activity were analyzed by two-way repeated-measur

Time courses of activity were analyzed by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA; sleep quantities Selleck NLG919 were compared by one-way ANOVA. Arousal thresholds were tested by subjecting flies to mechanical stimuli generated by vibration motors (Precision Microdrives, model 310-113) ( van Alphen et al., 2013). Stimuli were delivered for 5 s and separated by 1 hr. Female flies were sleep deprived by the mechanical SNAP method while housed in TriKinetics DAM systems (Shaw et al., 2002). A cumulative sleep loss plot was calculated

for each individual by comparing the percentage of sleep lost during overnight sleep deprivation to the immediately preceding unperturbed night. Individual sleep rebound was quantified hourly for 24 hr by dividing the cumulative amount of sleep regained by the total amount of sleep lost

during deprivation. Individual flies were excluded from rebound analysis if sleep deprivation was less than 70% effective or if flies lost less than 60 min of sleep. Statistical significance was assessed buy Y-27632 by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA. Males were used for circadian analyses in order to prevent interference from developing embryos and larvae over a weeklong experiment. Flies were housed individually in 65 mm glass tubes containing 4% sucrose and 2% agar medium. Locomotor activity was measured in TriKinetics DAM systems for 7 days in constant darkness. χ2 periodogram analysis was completed for each individual fly with the ActogramJ plugin (Benjamin Schmid and Taishi Yoshii, University of Würzburg) for ImageJ (National Institutes of Health). Individual female flies were trained and analyzed in 50 mm chambers perfused with air-odor mixtures as previously described (Claridge-Chang et al., 2009). Baseline preference for 3-octanol (OCT) versus

4-methylcyclohexanol Megestrol Acetate (MCH) was measured by tracking a fly’s movements for 2 min. Flies then received two training cycles, which each consisted of two epochs in random order: a 1 min presentation of OCT without shock and a 1 min presentation of MCH with twelve 60-VDC electric shocks. Flies were allowed to recover for 5 min and then reanalyzed for 2 min. Learning is reported as the percentage change in time spent in MCH before and after training (Figure S2). To gain access for whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in vivo, we removed a small piece of cuticle from the head of female 104y-GAL4;UAS-CD8-GFP flies and targeted the recording electrodes visually to the fluorescent somata of dorsal FB neurons. Control recordings from olfactory PNs were obtained by sampling unlabeled antennal lobe neurons. PNs were distinguished from local neurons by their characteristic electrophysiological properties ( Wilson and Laurent, 2005). Borosilicate glass electrodes (7–13 MΩ) were filled with internal solution containing 140 mM potassium aspartate, 10 mM HEPES, 1 mM KCl, 4 mM Mg-ATP, 0.5 mM Na3GTP, 1 mM EGTA (pH 7.

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