This idea is supported by the findings of decreased NMDA receptor

This idea is supported by the findings of decreased NMDA receptor density in the hippocampus of older rats.23,24 However, the functionality

of the single NMDA receptor complex increases with age25 and, thus, also their sensitivity to excitotoxic damage.26 Slices from old female rats exhibited a tendency toward higher IPSP amplitudes compared with males (2.2±0.4% versus 0.9±0.5%). This is in line with a previously demonstrated higher functionality of the NMDA receptor in female rats.27 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical To examine whether female sex steroids exert a neuroprotective effect and/or male sex steroids impair recurrent inhibition, we also examined rats which had been castrated prior to puberty. In fact, the IPSP in these castrated rats was significantly increased compared with age-matched male controls (2.4±1.3 mV, P<0.25, Mann- Whitney U test). Furthermore, the m-Glu

agonist trans-1-amino-1,3-cyclopentadicarboxylic acid (ACPD) increased the IPSP amplitude in aged animals whereas it had no Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effect in young rats. Taken together, these data suggest that inhibitory local circuits undergo age -dependent changes, possibly with an important modulatory role of sex steroids, and that activation of m-Glu receptors can support IPSP Navitoclax purchase generation in aged animals, whereas, in young animals, a maximum of IPSP amplitudes is already achieved by AMPA and NMDA receptor activation. IPSP modulation and possible Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cell loss may result from Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical chronic exposure to high levels of the endogenous NMDA antagonist NAAG, which may play a pathogenetic role in schizophrenia.4 As puberty and early adolescence appear to be a vulnerable time for schizophrenia, we examined the effect of chronic, not acute toxic, lowdose application of MK-801 on electrophysiological Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and histological changes in two interneuronal subpopulations in the rat hippocampus.

There was no difference in the mean membrane resting potential, action potential threshold and overshoot, GABAA reversal potential, or response to locally applied GABA between treated rats and saline controls. However, local inhibition evoked by alvear stimulation was significantly reduced in the MK-801 group (IPSP amplitude -1.6±1.3 mV versus from -3.7±12 mV in controls, P<0.025, Mann-Whitney test) (Figure 7). This finding is consistent with a reduced ratio of parvalbumin-positive (PV[+])/calretinin-positive (CR[+]) interneurons in the treated group (Figure 8). The loss of PV[+] interneurons also seems to be related to chronic MK-801 application, as rats that received only one high dose of MK-801 (1 mg/kg BW) had no shift of the PV[+]/ CR[+] interneuron ratio. Figure 7. Comparison of typical inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) recorded from a rat chronically injected with low-dose MK-801 and a saline control rat. Chronic MK-801 injection in vivo causes a significant reduction in the IPSP amplitude of the in vitro … Figure 8.

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