Then, 5mL of the diluted sample was used to determine the arsenic

Then, 5mL of the diluted sample was used to determine the arsenic (V) and another 5mL aliquot of sample was treated with 1mL each of concentrated nitric acid and H2O2 for the determination of total arsenic [As(III) + As(V)].2.3.2. Soil Samples The soil samples were collected from the agricultural field and soil sludge samples from the pond bed where painted clay idols were immersed. Both samples were collected from the site and stored in polyethylene bags. The soil samples were air dried, and known weight (100g) of sample was placed in a 250mL beaker and extracted four times with 5mL portions of concentrated hydrochloric acid each time. The combined extract was boiled for about 30min, then the solution was cooled and diluted to 50mL with distilled water.

5mL aliquot of diluted sample was used for As(V) determination by the proposed method. Another aliquot of 5mL was treated with 1mL each of concentrated nitric acid and H2O2 solution to determine total arsenic.2.3.3. Vegetable Samples The spinach and tomato leaves were collected from local market. They were dried in sun light and grinded into fine powder. 100g of finely powdered and sieved sample was placed in a beaker. 10mL each of nitric acid and sulfuric acids were added and heated to 100��C for 20min, in fume hood. The solutions were cooled, treated with 10mL of perchloric acid, and heated again in fume hood for 5min, until the dense fumes of sulphur dioxide disappear completely. Then, solutions were cooled and 1mL of HCl was added to remove any heavy metal ions present in the sample.

The filtered solutions were diluted to 100mL using distilled water. Then, 5mL aliquots of diluted samples were used for the estimation of As(V) content as well as total arsenic after treating the sample aliquot with 1mL each of concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide.2.3.4. Biological Samples Urine Sample ��Urine samples were collected in sterilized glass containers from male individuals, and 10mL of sample was diluted to five times. The diluted samples were deproteinated by treating with 2mL of trichloroacetic acid (30%), and the residue has been removed by centrifugation. The filtrate was treated with 5mL each of concentrated nitric acid and H2O2 to oxidize any As(III) present to As(V) in the sample. Then, the solution was diluted to 100mL and fivemL aliquots of diluted samples were subjected for the analysis of arsenic content.Nail and Hair Samples ��Hair and Nail samples were collected from adults and washed thoroughly with distilled water followed by acetone and finally Batimastat dried in an oven at 100��C. About 0.2g of dried samples were placed in 250mL beakers separately and, 12mL of concentrated HNO3 followed by 2mL of HClO4 were added.

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