The His-tagged Fab fragments were first captured using immobilize

The His-tagged Fab fragments were first captured using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). To provide high quality protein sample for crystallization, Fabs from either proteolytic digestion or from direct expression were further purified using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and/or

ion-exchange chromatography (IEC). The purified Fab fragments were characterized by mass spectrometry, SDS-PAGE, dynamic light scattering, and circular dichroism. Crystallization experiments demonstrated buy LDK378 that the Fab fragments are of high quality to produce diffraction quality crystals suitable for X-ray crystallographic analysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“We still know very little about how proteins achieve their native three-dimensional structure in vitro and in the cell. Folding studies as proteins emerge from the mega Dalton-sized ribosome pose special challenges due to the large size and complicated nature of the ribosome-nascent chain complex. This work introduces a combination of three-component analysis of fluorescence depolarization decays (including the presence of two local motions) and in-cone analysis of diffusive local dynamics to investigate the spatial constraints experienced by a protein emerging from the ribosomal tunnel. We focus on E. coli ribosomes and an all-alpha-helical nascent globin in the presence and absence

of the cotranslationally active chaperones DnaK and

trigger factor. The data provide insights on the dynamic nature and structural plasticity of ribosome-nascent Selleckchem DAPT chain complexes. We find that the sub-ns motions of the N-terminal fluorophore, reporting on the globin dynamics in the vicinity of the N terminus, are highly constrained both inside and outside the ribosomal tunnel, resulting in high-order parameters (>0.85) and small cone semiangles (<30 degrees). The shorter globin Diflunisal chains buried inside the tunnel are less spatially constrained than those of a reference sequence from a natively unfolded protein, suggesting either that the two nascent chain sequences have a different secondary structure and therefore sample different regions of the tunnel or that the tunnel undergoes local structural adjustments to accommodate the globin sequence. Longer globins emerging out of the ribosomal tunnel are also found to have highly spatially constrained slow (ns) motions. There are no observable spectroscopic changes in the absence of bound chaperones.”
“Cervicovaginal lavage fluid (CVL) is a natural source of anti-HIV-1 factors; however, molecular characterization of the anti-HIV-1 activity of CVL remains elusive. In this study, we confirmed that CVLs from HIV-1-resistant (HIV-R) compared to HIV-1-susceptible (HIV-S) commercial sex workers (CSWs) contain significantly larger amounts of serine antiprotease trappin-2 (Tr) and its processed form, elafin (E).

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