Reflectance (��R��) and absorbance (��A��) are defined in equations 2 and 3.RA=max?xmax?min.4095(1)R=1?RA4095(2)A=lg(40954095?RA)(3)3.?Methodology3.1. Unserviceable NIR sensor pixelsTwo types of unserviceable pixels observed for the NIR sensor (InGaAs focal plane array) are described below:Extraordinarily dark pixels: These pixels behave like a stone dropped into water, resulting in a slightly higher intensity level for their four neighbours [Figure 3 (a)]. The superposition effects were additive, therefore one fourth of the missing signal of dark pixels had to be subtracted from that of the four neighbours.Figure 3.Dark (a) and bright (b) pixel’s effect and superposition.
Extraordinarily bright pixels: These pixels resulted in a ��light shadow�� on the pixel directly to their right; this ��light shadow�� also affected far neighbours with exponentially decreasing intensity [Figure 3(b)].
Standard noise removal algorithms for image processing are not applicable to the problems listed above. Therefore, the following steps are proposed to deliver suitably homogeneous frames:A. Identification of extraordinarily dark and bright pixelsDark and bright pixels have to be identified on a frame of a grey (mid-intensity level) surface when calibrating extraordinary pixels. Firstly, the intensity variance for a square area of a given size (e.g. 10��10 pixels) on the grey surface is calculated. Then this variance is multiplied by a number, N (e.g. 4), to define a threshold value.
Pixels with intensity values above this threshold are classified as extraordinarily bright, while Dacomitinib pixels with intensity values below this threshold are classified as extraordinarily dark.
B. Correction of extraordinarily dark and bright pixelsThe steps required for correction of an extraordinarily dark pixel (ED) by interpolation in shown in Figure 4. Surrounding the ED are 2 bright shadow pixels (S1, S2) which are neighboured by two normal pixels (N1, N2); firstly, a linear regression is made between N1, N2 to estimate the value of ED [Figures 4(i) & (ii)]. S1 and S2 are then corrected by subtracting ? of the error (i.e. difference between actual and estimated values) of ED [Figure 4 (iii) ].
Finally, a linear regression is made between the Carfilzomib corrected values of S1 and S2 to re-estimate the value of ED [Figure 4 (iv)]. A similar linear interpolation correction scheme was us
Indium oxide (In2O3) doped with tin oxide (SnO2), or Indium tin oxide (ITO), is an optically thin and electrically conductive material that is commonly used to make thin film layers on transparent conductive coatings for touch panel contacts, electrodes for liquid crystal and plasma displays, gas sensors, and solar cells.