Maybe this concern is misplaced, at least in part If ChIs innerv

Maybe this concern is misplaced, at least in part. If ChIs innervate the grafts, they might be able to appropriately modulate DA release. Given the movement of the transplant field toward induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), it also is important that DA neurons derived from iPSCs be pushed far enough toward the terminal phenotype that they express the appropriate complement of nAChRs, enabling ChIs to modulate them. These studies also point to further questions. One is about the nature of the synchrony requirement. Why is synchronous spiking in a population of ChIs

necessary for DA release? The striatal extracellular space is full of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) that rapidly degrades ACh. It could be that synchrony is required to produce a large enough release of ACh so that this enzymatic brake is temporarily overwhelmed, allowing ACh diffusion to DA terminals. Such dynamics would keep the DA release spatially restricted. An important Apoptosis Compound Library implication

is that the effect PLX-4720 nmr of ChIs on DA release might not be uniform. AChE density, like choline acetyltransferase activity, is high in the striatal matirix and low in striosomes. It could be that ChI enhancement of DA release is most prominent in striosomes. Another question is what sort of nAChR-evoked activity triggers DA release. Cragg and colleagues found that DA release was sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX) (Threlfell et al., 2012). The simplest interpretation of this dependence is that propagation of spikes in the axons of ChIs was necessary. However, because the ChI terminals were in the field illuminated by the blue laser and because ChR2 is capable of evoking transmitter release in terminals, it is possible that the all TTX-sensitive event is propagation of spikes in the DA axons. This circumstance would allow a relatively focal burst of activity in ChIs to be broadcast to a large region of striatum, because the terminal fields

of DA axons are twice as big as those of the ChIs (Matsuda et al., 2009). There is clearly much still to be done, but what these two beautiful studies make clear is that the interaction between DA and ACh in the striatum is not so much a feud as it is a dance. “
“The remarkably selective response properties of individual neurons in visual cortex result from specific patterns of synaptic connections that link large numbers of cortical neurons. In some species, including primates and carnivores, cortical neurons with similar response properties (e.g., similar preferred orientation) and shared connectivity are grouped together into radial columns, forming orderly maps of stimulus features (Hubel and Wiesel, 2005). In rodents, cortical neurons with different orientation preferences are intermingled in a “salt-and-pepper” fashion (Ohki et al., 2005). Nevertheless, rodents exhibit fine-scale specificity in the organization of synaptic connections (Yoshimura and Callaway, 2005 and Yoshimura et al.

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