It is worth mentioning that some of the copepods in the present study are bathypelagic, usually being found below 200 m depth (Weikert, 1982 and Weikert, 1987), but off Sharm El-Sheikh in low densities (Table 4). Furthermore, Acartia danae, Scolecitrichopsis ctenopus, Oncaea minuta, Sapphirina intestinalis and Clytemnestra scutellata are new records for the northern Red Sea, indicating their northward migration, as they had previously been confined ZD1839 to the main basin of the Red Sea. Environmental conditions, particularly temperature and food availability, have a crucial effect on zooplankton abundance (Webber and
Roff, 1995 and Christou, 1998). In the Gulf of Aqaba temperature plays a role in the prevailing seasonality (Reiss & Hottinger 1984), resulting in a homogeneous distribution throughout the deep vertical mixed layer in late winter, when the plankton community shows no differences within the mixed layer (Cornils et al. 2005). In other seasons the majority of the zooplankton is concentrated within the upper 100 m (Cornils et al. 2005). Temperature is an important factor controlling the abundance of zooplankton (Goldman & Heron 1983), increasing the growth and feeding rates of zooplankton species within the range of their thermal tolerance (Omori & Ikeda 1984). Different zooplankters of the same group showed different reactions to temperature variations (Mathew 1977), but the fluctuation in the abundance of planktonic
forms may be related not only to water temperature but also to its indirect influences on their food items (Arnemo 1965). The present study has shown that the zooplankton in the epipelagic zone Ku-0059436 supplier off Sharm El-Sheikh experienced distinct vertical variations in species composition and abundance in different seasons. Copepods were the overwhelmingly predominant component (86.5%), while other holoplanktonic
groups like appendicularians, chaetognaths and cnidarians together contributed a comparatively small relative abundance (4.2%) in addition to a moderate percentage of meroplankton (8.2%). Several bathypelagic copepods were observed, and also few species that had oxyclozanide newly migrated to the area from the central Red Sea. “
“Studies of ecosystem goods and services in marine environments are receiving increasing attention (Kremen & Ostfeld 2005, Ronnback et al. 2007). Whereas concepts are rapidly developed, quantitative approaches or assessments are rare; furthermore, many of them focus on mapping service values (Troy and Wilson, 2006 and Sanchirico and Mumby, 2009), not the services themselves. One of the most important ecosystem services provided by the seafloor is the feeding grounds for many benthophagous organisms such as fish or marine birds. Moreover, apart from other roles in ecosystem processes (Snelgrove 1998), benthic macrofauna is also an important food source for higher trophic levels in aquatic ecosystems (Tomczak et al. 2009). There are ca 200 macrozoobenthos species in the eastern Baltic Proper (Ojaveer et al.