Interestingly, strong modulation at one timescale is sometimes ac

Interestingly, strong modulation at one timescale is sometimes accompanied by weak modulation on the other (e.g., units 1 and 2 in Figure 4). In general, the firing rates of most units in vM1 cortex are significantly modulated by at least one slow or fast parameter of whisking (Table

1). Approximately 65% of all units were modulated by either amplitude or midpoint (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p < 0.05). The firing rates of significantly modulated units typically showed a monotonic dependence on amplitude or midpoint. A compilation of the change in rate, i.e., maximum minus minimum rate, is plotted against the average rate for all units (Figures 5A and 5C). The firing rate could increase or decrease with either signal such that the HER2 inhibitor average tuning curve across all units was nearly flat (Figures 5B and 5D). The mean rate of neurons that encoded amplitude was significantly related to the slope of the rate versus amplitude curve, with an average mean firing rate of 15 Hz for cells that increased their firing rate with amplitude and 4.6 Hz for cells that decreased their firing rate with amplitude (Figure 5A) (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p < 0.05). Nonetheless, the fidelity of reporting amplitude BI 2536 price and midpoint cannot be increased by a simple summation of spikes across the population

of neurons. Lastly, we found no obvious correlation between the modulation by amplitude and by midpoint in single units. In contrast to the high yield of units modulated by slow parameters, only 22% of all units showed a firing rate that was significantly modulated by phase in the whisk cycle (Kuiper test, p < 0.05). The tuning curve for λ(ϕ) is parameterized in terms of its peak at the preferred phase in the whisk cycle, denoted ϕo. There was no significant bias in the distribution of preferred phases. The relative modulation appears large through in many cases because the baseline rate was quite small for many of these cells. Most of these phase-sensitive units were also modulated on the slow timescale (Table 1).

Lastly, while fast spiking units make up about 20% of recorded cells (Figure S3), they are 50% more likely to show significant modulation with phase or one of the slow variables. We tested for the possibility that the coding properties of units in vM1 cortex were affected by head fixation. The above analysis was repeated using data from free-ranging animals, for which the |∇EMG| of the intrinsic muscles served as a surrogate of vibrissa position. We found that the modulation of the envelope of the |∇EMG| with the whisk amplitude was similar to that using videographic data with head-fixed animals (Figure S4). Further, the reliability of the phase variable was unchanged using data from the |∇EMG| versus videographic data (Figure S4). Our past studies focused on coding of motion in vS1 cortex, in which past work emphasized the role of phase coding.

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