In an earlier study where 01% w/v sodium acetate was added, it w

In an earlier study where 0.1% w/v sodium acetate was added, it was found that of a mixture of 40 μM VC, t-DCE, and TCE, ∼30% of the added VC and t-DCE were degraded after 216 h of incubation. Here, when Methylocystis strain SB2 was grown with 0.1% v/v ethanol and a mixture of 40 μM VC, t-DCE, and TCE, ∼13% and 12% of VC and t-DCE, respectively, were degraded after 120 h of incubation. Different time periods were used for ethanol- MK1775 and acetate-grown cultures to reflect the time of active growth, i.e., Methylocystis strain SB2 grown on ethanol entered the stationary phase of growth

more quickly that when grown on acetate. It may be that with a longer incubation time, ethanol-grown cultures of Methylocystis strain SB2 may have degraded more of these compounds. In summary, these data show that the competitive Staurosporine chemical structure inhibition of pMMO is a key factor in controlling the ability of methanotrophs to degrade a variety of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Given that via facultative methanotrophy, pollutant degradation is uncoupled from carbon assimilation, the addition of alternative substrates such as ethanol or acetate to promote methanotrophic-mediated pollutant degradation may be a useful strategy for enhanced bioremediation of polluted sites. It should be kept in mind, however, that both substrate and product toxicity of chlorinated hydrocarbons can limit the growth of methanotrophs regardless

of the growth substrate, and by extension, their ability to degrade these compounds. Future work should determine the abundance and distribution of facultative methanotrophs in situ, as well as the ability of facultative methanotrophs to compete for alternative substrates in the presence of heterotrophic microorganisms in more complex systems, for example, soil microcosms. Finally, more research is needed to consider how best to use facultative methanotrophic communities for pollutant degradation both in aboveground reactors and in situ. “
“A metagenomic approach was applied using 454-pyrosequencing data analysis for the profiling of bacterial communities in the

brine samples of the water reclamation plant. Some physicochemical eltoprazine characteristics of brine samples were also determined using standard methods. Samples ranged from being lightly alkaline to highly alkaline (pH 7.40–10.91) throughout the various treatment stages, with the salinity ranging from 1.62 to 4.53 g L−1 and dissolved oxygen concentrations ranging from 7.47 to 9.12 mg L−1. Phenotypic switching was found to occur due to these physicochemical parameters. Microbial diversities increased from those present in Stage I reactor (six taxonomic groups) to those in Reverse Osmosis (RO) stage I (17 taxonomic groups), whereas in the second phase of the treatment, it increased in Stage II clarifier (14 taxonomic groups) followed by a decrease in RO stage II (seven taxonomic groups). Overall, seven phyla were detected, apart from many bacterial sequences that were unclassified at the phylum level.

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