However, several alternative explanations are described in the discussion section below. High geminin level also inhibits TopoIIa ability to resolve negative supercoiling in vitro As an alternative approach, we asked whether geminin affects Alisertib structure TopoIIas ability to resolve negative supercoiling from the plasmid pBR322. In the absence of TopoIIa, whether 100 ng of GST alone was Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries or was not added to the plasmid pBR322, the DNA appeared to be unaf fected as a supercoiled form. Surprisingly, however, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries adding 1 or 2 U of purified TopoIIa to the last reaction also was unable to relax the plasmid pBP322 band in Figure 4D, lanes 2 and 3. When a low concentration of GST geminin was added, the DNA was converted into the nicked form as well as the linear form. Increasing the GST geminin concen tration tilted the reaction toward the linear form.
Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Interestingly, in the presence of TopoIIa and GST geminin, the plasmid was relaxed, although the levels of the relaxed form of pBP322 decreased with increasing concentrations of GST geminin. At 2 U, TopoIIa was more efficient in completing religation than at 1 U as measured by the increase in the level of RCi D and the decrease in L D s. These data suggest that a higher concentra tion of GST geminin reduces TopoIIas ability to com plete the relaxation process and prevents the religation of DNA. Several alternative models to explain these data are described in the discussion section below. Taken together, these observations reveal that geminin inhibits TopoIIa decatenation and relaxation activity in a con centration dependent manner, at least in vitro.
Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Geminin silencing prevents TopoIIa binding to chromosomes in vivo Compared to HME cells, geminin, TopoIIa, Cdc7 and CKI�� proteins are overexpressed in several estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cell lines as well as ER negative breast cancer cell lines. The MDAMB231 cell line Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was chosen to perform the following selleck Volasertib experi ments. Low but detectable levels of TopoIIa were immunoprecipitated from control treated MDAMB231 cell chromatin, which efficiently decatenated k DNA in the TopoGen assay. In contrast, although TopoIIa was detected in whole cell extracts of geminin silenced MDAMB231 cells, no detectable protein could be immunoprecipitated from the chromatin of these cells, and these immunoprecipitates showed only 15% decatenation activity in the TopoGen assay. CKI�� inactivation using the specific inhibi tor IC261 significantly decreased the level of TopoIIa immunoprecipitated from the chromatin of control as well as geminin silenced MDAMB231 cells. Both immuno precipitates failed completely to decatenate k DNA.