Equally, the absence of gliosis has been attributed a particular

Equally, the absence of gliosis has been attributed a particular positive significance: the gliotic response does not begin until the second trimester in utero, and hence an absence of gliosis is taken as prima facie evidence of a disease process occurring before this time – and therefore is important, support, for prenatal neurodevelopmental models of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical schizophrenia.24 Unfortunately, both the absence of gliosis and its interpretation are less clear than often assumed. First, detecting gliosis is surprisingly

difficult, and it can be argued that the data do not wholly rule out its occurrence. Second, despite the widely cited time point at which the glial response is said to begin, the matter has not been well investigated and it is prudent not to use this Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to time the pathology of INK 128 in vitro schizophrenia with spurious accuracy. Third, it is a moot point, whether the subtle kinds of morphometric disturbance described in schizophrenia, whenever and however they occurred, would be sufficient, to trigger detectable

gliosis. It has been asserted that Alzheimer’s disease is commoner than expected in schizophrenia. This may have arisen from the assumption that it explains the cognitive impairment which is seen throughout, the course of schizophrenia25 and which is both common and severe in elderly patients.26 However, a meta-analysis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical shows that Alzheimer’s disease Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is not commoner, and may even be rarer, in schizophrenia.27 This applies even in elderly schizophrenics with prospectively assessed severe dementia, who show no evidence of any other neurodegenerative disorder either.28 Neural cytoarchitecture in schizophrenia If neurodegenerative abnormalities are uncommon in, or epiphenomenal to, schizophrenia, it begs the questions as to what the pathology is and how the macroscopic findings are explained microscopically. The answer

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has been sought, in the eytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex, with measurements of parameters such as the size, location, distribution, and packing density of neurons and their synaptic connections (Table III). Three cytoarchitectural alterations have generated particular interest: abnormal neuronal organization (dysplasia) in lamina II (prc-alpha cells) and lamina Thymidine kinase III of the entorhinal cortex.29; disarray of hippocampal neurons“.30 ; and an altered distribution of neurons in the subcortical white matter.31 These findings are important because they almost, certainly reflect impairment of neuronal migration and formation of the eytoarchitecture, and hence strongly support the hypothesis of an early neurodevelopmental anomaly underlying schizophrenia.24,32 However, none has been unequivocally replicated; for example, entorhinal cortex dysplasia has been seen in some studies33-35 but not others,36-38 undermining attempts to date the pathology of schizophrenia, as was the case regarding interpretation of the lack of gliosis.

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