“EEG-fMRI is a non-invasive technique that allows the inve

“EEG-fMRI is a non-invasive technique that allows the investigation of epileptogenic networks in patients with epilepsy. Lately, BOLD changes occurring before the spike were found in patients with generalized epilepsy. The study

of metabolic changes preceding spikes might improve our knowledge of spike generation. We tested this hypothesis in patients with idiopathic and symptomatic BKM120 ic50 focal epilepsy.\n\nEleven consecutive patients were recorded at 3 T: five with idiopathic focal and 6 with symptomatic focal epilepsy. Thirteen spike types were analyzed separately. Statistical analysis was performed using the timing of spikes as events, modeled with HRFs peaking between -9 s and +9 s around the spike. HRFs were calculated the most focal BOLD response. Eleven of the thirteen studies showed prespike BOLD responses. Prespike responses were more focal than postspike responses. Three studies Copanlisib showed early positive followed by later negative BOLD responses in the spike field. Three had early positive BOLD responses in the spike field, which

remained visible in the later maps. Three others had positive BOLD responses in the spike field, later propagating to surrounding areas. HRFs peaked between -5 and +6 s around the spike timing. No significant EEG changes could be identified prior to the spike.\n\nBOLD changes prior to the spike frequently occur in focal epilepsies. They are more focal than later BOLD changes and strongly related to the spike field. Early changes may result from increased neuronal activity in the spike field prior to the EEG spike and reflect an event more localized than the spike itself. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Background An obesity epidemic is spreading worldwide. In addition to comorbidities, social and emotional problems contribute to

reduce the quality of life (QoL) of obese people. Considering the heterogeneity of outcomes from clinical and surgical approaches, it is recommended that severely obese patients participate in their treatment decisions. This study evaluated preferences of severely obese patients for obesity surgical treatment using the willingness selleck chemicals llc to pay (WTP) and to assess the impact of the presence of some clinical disorders, socioeconomic conditions and QoL on their decisions. Methods The selected patients were invited to answer the WTP questionnaire using two formats of contingent valuation questions: dichotomous choice (yes/no) and a bidding game. The answers were correlated with clinical features, QoL assessed by the SF-36 and the Moorehead-Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire II, Brazilian socioeconomic classification, and family and personal incomes. Results The group of patients who accepted the first bid was older and had higher frequency of sleep apnoea when compared to those who rejected the offer. A significant correlation between the bidding game value and family income was found (r=0.28; P<0.02).

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