During the run, they consumed
food and fluids at the aid stations ad libitum. At each aid station, they recorded their intake of nutrition and fluid. Due to the manufacturer’s concerns regarding the high calcium content of the placebo tablets which, in combination with an expected dehydration, could be harmful for the renal function of the athletes, we had to resign from a placebo control. Thus the YH25448 order athletes randomly assigned to the control group also consumed food and fluids at libitum and recorded their nutrient and fluid intake, but did not receive any placebo tablets. Table 3 Composition of the amino acid supplementation Amino acid Per Tablet (mg) During the whole race (g) L-Leucine 125 10 L-Ornithine 62.5 5 L-Isoleucine 62.5 5 L-Valine 62.5 5 L-Arginine PX-478 supplier 62.5 5 L-Choline 31.25 2.5 L-Cysteine 50 4 L-Tyrosine 50 4 L-Lysine 31.25 2.5 L-Phenylalanine 31.25 2.5 L-Threonine 31.25 2.5 L-Histidine 31.25 2.5 L-Methionine 12.5 1 L-Tryptophan 12.5 1 Twenty-eight
of the expected 30 athletes reported, between 04:00 p.m. and 09:00 p.m. on June 12 2009 to the investigators for their pre-race anthropometric measurements and the collection of blood samples. Upon arrival at the finish, the same measurements were performed within one hour after finishing, there being 27 finishers. GSK3326595 in vivo Questionnaires of subjective feelings In combination with the pre- and post-race measurements, the athletes were asked about their subjective feelings of muscle soreness, using a subjective Oxymatrine 0-20 scale from 0 (absolutely no muscle soreness) to 20 (highest subjective discomfort with muscle soreness). After the race, the athletes were asked whether they had performed the run as expected, weaker than expected or better than expected. Anthropometric measurements Body mass was measured using a commercial scale (Beurer BF
15, Beurer GmbH, Ulm, Germany) to the nearest 0.1 kg. Body height was determined using a stadiometer to the nearest 1 cm. Body mass index (kg/m2) was calculated using body mass and body height. The percentage of body fat was estimated using the following anthropometric formula according to Ball et al.: Percent body fat = 0.465 + 0.180 * (Σ7SF) – 0.0002406 * (Σ7SF)2 + 0.0661 * (age), where Σ7SF = sum of skin-fold thickness of pectoralis, axilla, triceps, sub scapular, abdomen, suprailiac and thigh [20]. Skin-fold data were obtained using a skin-fold caliper (GPM-Hautfaltenmessgerät, Siber & Hegner, Zurich, Switzerland) and recorded to the nearest 0.2 mm. One trained investigator took all the anthropometric measurements in order to eliminate inter-tester variability. The skin-fold measurements were taken once for the entire eight skin-folds and were then repeated twice more by the same investigator; the mean of the three times was then used for the analyses. The timing of the taking of the skin-fold measurements was standardized to ensure reliability, and the readings were performed after 4 s following Becque et al. [21].