Despite the several advantages of P300-based BCIs, to date this approach has not been employed yet for the cognitive assessment of locked-in patients. However, some
recent studies have preliminarly investigated the possible use of different kind of BCI-based systems to administer neurocognitive tasks (Cipresso et al. 2011; Perego et al. 2011). This could represent a promising step toward the application of such approach to ALS patients. To date P300 has been mainly used for communication purposes, while the few attempts performed in the cognitive assessment of those patients have employed other approaches. There is no apparent reason for this; probably, works showing promising results in training SCP modulation in neurofeedback Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical experiments have lead to focus on this approach, as showed by previous described studies (Iversen et al. 2008a, b). However, the possibility to reduce the amount of time required for the users training represents a very important chance in order to extend the use of AAC also for cognitive
assessment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical purposes. Then, the field of research about the development of cognitive tasks based on BCI for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patients with motor disabilities is still at its infancy, and represents an interesting area to be developed. Discussion: AAC with BCI for ALS and Future Challenge The aim of the AAC is to provide solutions to facilitate and increase interaction between the user and his environment, using the ensemble of knowledge, strategies, techniques, and technologies most suitable to meet the user’s needs for communication. Thanks to the technology made available by the AAC, many patients with severe disabilities can use tools that allow Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical them to communicate (Beukelman et al. 2007). As previously described, communication difficulties are the most critical symptoms as perceived by ALS patients. Dysarthria makes verbal communication progressively difficult and ultimately impossible. The choice of appropriate alternative communication methods is crucial and it ranges from pen and paper and alphabet board as long as the patient is still able to use upper limbs, to electronic communication
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical devices. Patients with very limited mobility who cannot manually use a mouse or a keyboard can Bay 11-7085 take advantage of the use of gaze communication systems, which use eye tracking to allow communication. Such systems have a camera Protease Inhibitor Library manufacturer mounted at the bottom of the screen that “tracks” the eyes as they move across the screen. The viewer’s precise gaze-point at an onscreen keyboard is detected and it allows the patient to spell a message for speech or text output. Software also allows to switch lights and appliances on and off and to dial telephone numbers. The systems are compatible with personal computers or AAC devices. One of the most critical needs for people with severe motor disabilities to retain a good quality of life (QoL) is restoring the ability to communicate.