coli NarL [14, 17] The DNA-binding C-terminal HTH

coli NarL [14, 17]. The DNA-binding C-terminal HTH SC79 chemical structure domain of NarL-like proteins was further proposed as a member of the superfamily of the LuxR_C-like DNA-binding HTH domains [30]. Thus, we made a phylogenetic

analysis of EupR and related proteins, all containing AICAR clinical trial the common LuxR_C-like domain. These included well characterized response regulators as well as other homologous but uncharacterized proteins revealed by PSI-BLAST searches, two EupR paralogs present in the C. salexigens genome (also classified in the Signaling Census database as response regulators of the NarL family), and “”true”" LuxR transcriptional regulators related to quorum sensing. All these proteins were aligned by using ClustalW and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the

Neighbor-joining algorithm of the MEGA 4 software. As shown in Figure 8, the vast majority of the proteins were grouped into two subtrees or families. The first subtree PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitor 3 molecular weight comprised two-component response regulators of the NarL/FixJ family, including well characterized proteins such as the S. meliloti FixJ regulator (controlling nitrogen fixation genes [31]), the E. coli UhpA regulator (controlling the UhpT sugar phosphate transport system [32]), and the E. coli NarL protein that controls nitrate- and nitrite-regulated gene expression [33]. All proteins in the first family showed the N-terminal signal receiver phosphoacceptor domain (REC) and the LuxR_C-like domain. Within this family, C. salexigens EupR formed a separated branch with other three proteins of unknown function from Pseudomonas putida, Aeromonas salmonicida and Vibrio harveyi. The EupR paralog Csal_2132 (YP 574182) was

closely related to the BvgA virulence factors transcription regulator from Bordetella pertussis (unpublished), whereas the EupR paralog Csal_3030 (YP 575073) was related to the S. meliloti FixJ regulator [31]. The second family included transcriptional regulators that were not response regulators of two components systems, but proteins related to quorum sensing mechanisms. These proteins shared the LuxR_C-like GPX6 DNA binding domain but showed an N-terminal autoinducer binding domain typical of quorum sensing regulators. Although all these regulators are involved in quorum sensing mediated responses, they control a wide variety of cellular functions, from elastase expression in the case of P. aeruginosa LasR [34] to antibiotic production in the case of P. carotovorum CarR [35]. The remaining proteins formed separated and independent branches and only showed the LuxR_C-like DNA binding domain. They were involved in different functions like sporulation control as GerE from B. subtilis [36] or biofilm formation as PsoR from P. putida [37].

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