As would be expected in paediatric thyroid cancer, short-term rec

As would be expected in paediatric thyroid cancer, short-term recurrence rates range from 7 to 28% in published reports (mean 17%). However, long-term studies of paediatric thyroid cancer suggest that although the 30 year disease-specific mortality rate should be about 1%, the risk of developing structural disease recurrence is nearly 30% see more (of which 80% are expected to be locoregional recurrences and 20% are probably new distant metastases). Projected over 30 years of follow-up, a 1% disease-specific mortality in this cohort of 5000 patients would equate to about 50 deaths directly attributable to thyroid cancer.

However, a 30% recurrence rate would also mean that about 1500 patients may develop a clinically meaningful recurrence that would need to be diagnosed and treated. It is imperative that we continue to work with our colleagues in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia to ensure KU-57788 solubility dmso that this large volume of patients destined to develop clinically significant

recurrences are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. Ready access to modern disease detection tools (serum thyroglobulin, postoperative neck ultrasonography, cytology/pathology support, and radioactive iodine scanning) and treatments (surgery for recurrent disease, radioactive iodine therapy) in their major academic centres are mandatory if we expect to achieve the excellent clinical outcomes that should be seen when paediatric thyroid cancer recurrence is diagnosed early and treated appropriately. (C) 2011 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”

Invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPC) is a rare type of breast carcinoma with unique morphologic features and high frequency of axillary lymph node metastasis. Recognizing the IMPC on cytology makes it possible to identify a group of patients with it poor

prognosis and may alter the adjuvant treatment.


We reviewed the cytologic features of 2 IMPC cases 50-year-old women. Both cases included conventional findings of IMPC, such as increased cellularity, cell clusters with angular and papillary configuration without a fibrovascular core, tumor clusters showing an “”inside-out”" pattern and the presence of single discohesive cells. Of interest, both cases included a few malignant-appearing multinucleated giant cells. The slides of I case we-re included a little mucin in the background of tumor diathesis. There were no psammoma bodies in the smears.


The cytologic features of IMPC are unique and should be recognized because of its tendency to infiltrate the axillary lymph nodes. In addition to well-known cytologic features of IMPC, multinucleated giant cells and a scanty amount of mucin should also alert. the cytopathologist to the possibility of IMPC.

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