Activation of cas pase 3 requires proteolytic processing of its inactive zymogen into activated fragments after cleavage at aspartic acid 175. In order to evaluate buy inhibitor apoptosis in cell co cultures, we studied the activation of caspase 3 in cell lysates represented by the ratio of cleaved caspase 3 total caspase 3. Results show a great increase in activation of caspase 3 after Ab42 exposure for 72 h compared to DMSO treated cells. This activation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was totally prevented by 210 nM C16, and and very weak staining of annexin V FITC in CD68 positive cells. Exposure to 210 nM C16 yielded no evidence of apoptosis either in neurons or in microglia. Discussion Our previous findings indicated that PKR is associated with apoptotis in brains of APPSLPS1 knock in trans genic mice, and in vitro in Ab42 treated SH SY5Y neu roblastoma cells.
Moreover, other studies have clearly reported that PKR is involved in the activa tion of NF B pathway through phosphorylation of IKK and I Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries B in models of viral infection. NF B plays a critical role in many cellular events, such as expression of cytokine genes that affect inflammatory process. Concerning AD, NF B has been shown to be upregulated and responsible for the induction of TNFa, IL 1b and IL 6 mRNA, particularly in glial cells. Furthermore, many studies have shown that Ab neurotoxicity induces cytokine production and release of the ratios were comparable to those obtained in DMSO treated cells. During apoptosis, phosphatidylserine is translocated from the inner to the outer plasma membrane leaflet.
This externalization was analyzed with annexin V FITC staining to examine apoptotic states of the different cell populations after Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries treatment with 210 nM C16 and Ab42 exposure for 72 h. Furthermore, the apoptosis detection kit includes propidium iodide to label the cellular DNA in necrotic cells. This combination allows the differentiation among early apoptotic cells, necrotic cells, and viable cells. In all conditions examined, no PI staining associated with annexin V FITC staining was observed. The state of necrotic cells was probably at a maximum, with complete nucleus destruction, explain ing the lack of PI staining. Thus, co staining annexin V FITC and cell markers excluded PI incubation in our protocol. The results show that prominent annexin V FITC staining colocalizes with MAP2 staining after Ab42 exposure, whereas GFAP positive cells appeared unaffected.
We found also a diffuse TNFa, IL 1b and IL 6. This inflammatory pro cess has also largely been described in brain and in the periphery in plasma, serum or mononuclear cells of patients with AD. Although inflammation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries might have a neuroprotective Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries role through Ab phagocy tosis, it is of interest to better understand the regulation involved in production of inflammatory factors in AD in order to limit neuronal death when the inflammatory process switches to an unregulated phenomenon.