A total of 92 microapocrine unique sequences were accepted, from which 50 sequences are listed in Table 3 and Table 4 and 42 sequences were discarded from further analysis, because they were considered to be contaminants of the microapocrine vesicle preparation or were too small to be safely identified. The last sequences are shown in Supplementary Table 2. Microapocrine proteins are classified in the same functional classes as microvillar ones, except that receptors are absent (Fig. 2). Most sequences are found under digestive enzymes, protection, PM associated proteins
and transporters. Digestive enzymes are mostly lipase and aminopeptidase (Fig. 2). Table 3 lists the proteins predicted to be secreted by microapocrine secretion. Pictilisib mouse The criteria used to select these proteins among those recovered from microapocrine vesicles were: (1) they have a predicted signal peptide and (2) they are supposed to act in the luminal content in digestion, detoxification mechanism or associated with the peritrophic membrane. Two protein disulfide isomerase sequences JAK inhibitor were included here because, although their role is unknown, they are supposed to be involved in protection. Table 4 shows predicted proteins that has no signal peptide or are incomplete lacking the N-terminus. Proteins associated with digestion, PM, and protections are probably secreted. Six aminopeptidases have sequences Thalidomide complete enough
to be compared with sequences pertaining to identified classes from other lepidopterans. S frugiperda sequences group into the classes 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, from which SfAPN546 (class 1) is the most expressed (3701 reads).
SfAPN591 branches with no known aminopeptidase class ( Fig. 3). Microvillar APN are found in classes 1, 3, 5, and 6, whereas the microvillar APNs pertain to class 2 or does not belong to any described class ( Fig. 3). There are three S. frugiperda amylase sequences that are complete (contigs 420 and 438) or are incomplete, but have all critical residues (catalytic and Ca2+-binding residues) (contig 509). SfAmy420 is found together with other lepidopteran amylases in the cladogram, whereas contig 438 and 509 form a distinct branch with Bombyx mori NP_001182391-1 and an amino acid transporter ( Fig. 4). It is not clear the physiological role of these transporter-like amylases. A short sequence (contig 516) was discounted from the lipase cladogram (Fig. 5). Six S. frugiperda sequences branch into two monophyletic groupings (bootstraps 99 and 85) that are similar to pancreatic lipases. The resemblance with pancreatic lipases is reinforced by the fact that contigs 452, 456, and 448 have the same consensus region in the active site (GXSLGAH). Contigs 549, 379, and 584 have the consensus region similar, but not identical with, those of pancreatic lipases. Contig 379 has a predicted transmembrane loop. It is not clear the meaning of this.