A framework was proposed for the compatibility with the peculiar

A framework was proposed for the compatibility with the peculiar characteristics c-Met inhibitor review of mobile phone data. There were three stages in the proposed framework. Stage 1 provided an approach to preprocess the original dataset through binning method and raster data structure. Stage 2 aimed at the activity point extraction from the individual’s daily trajectories. The last stage was to measure the macroscopic zonal interchange through the frequent item set mining. In the case study of the three communities in Shanghai, spatial interactions of residents’ daily activities were obtained through

the proposed framework. In the brief analysis of the outputs, the mobile-phone-based analysis was proved an effective way to analyze the spatial interaction and extract the representative features. Nowadays, open data has become one of the central topics of city development. The novel datasets are considered as one of the effective ways to understand the rapid development in Chinese mega cities. The data mining of public data and the data fusion with other data sources will become the key technologies in urban planning and transportation planning. The mobile

phone data is one of the newly arisen datasets. However, it is still blank in the systematic theory and detailed study at the application of mobile phone data in traffic analysis. The variety of data processing makes it extremely difficult to the further studies in data fusion and data mining. The three-stage framework proposed in this study is the first step to set up the platform for the standardized and normalized framework of mobile phone data analysis. Acknowledgment This paper is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Travel Behavior and Activity Space of Urban Resident Based on Multi-Source Mobile Positioning Data). Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Climate change is a huge challenge that humans must confront,

and CO2 emissions must be reduced to mitigate global warming [1]. Therefore, carbon reduction is becoming an important proenvironmental target of every country. The transportation industry accounts for nearly one-quarter of the total carbon emissions all over Batimastat the world, while carbon emissions from cars account for three-quarters of the total carbon emissions in the transportation industry [2]. Thus, cars are a high-carbon travel mode. Since the carbon emissions from public transportation are far below those of cars, we can refer to public transportation as a low-carbon travel mode. Other travel modes, such as walking and cycling, have almost no carbon emissions, so they are called zero-carbon travel modes. Therefore, walking, cycling, and public transportation, which are energy saving, oppose pollution, and generate low levels of carbon emissions, are deemed to be proenvironmental travel modes.

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