8, 8.4 and 16.8 L h-1), with the data plotted against solar UV intensity, ranging from 20 W m-2 to 80 W m-2, to see whether the same results were obtained as for total sunlight in Figure 3. This was carried out because TiO2 is specifically photoactivated by UV light at 390-400 nm. Overall, the same trends of (i) positive intercepts for log inactivation data based on aerobic counts (ii) close-to-zero intercepts for log inactivation data based on ROS-neutralised counts (Table 2) and (iii) weaker fits of trend lines based on aerobic counts were observed for results plotted against UV light as those for total sunlight (Figure 3),
with no evidence of any stronger relationships based on UV data than those for total sunlight. This demonstrates that Selleckchem MAPK inhibitor total sunlight is as good a predictor of solar photocatalysis Selleck GS1101 in these TFFBR experiments as UV light. Figure 4 Effect of different flow rates (a) 4.8 L h -1 , (b) 8.4 L h -1 and (c) 16.8 L h -1 , on log inactivation of A.hydrophila ATCC 35654 in spring water run through the TFFBR under different Ultraviolet (UV) light conditions. Enumeration was
aimed at under standard aerobic condition (open circle) and under ROS-neutralised condition (closed circle). Table 2 Linear regression equations and R2 values of A.hydrophila ATCC 35654 inactivation against UV light intensities under 3 different flow rates Flow rates Enumeration condition Linear regression equation R2 values 4.8 L h-1 Aerobic Y = 0.0006X+0.985 0.492 ROS-neutralised Y = 0.023X+0.050 0.678 8.4 L h-1 Aerobic Y = 0.004X+0.961 0.410 ROS-neutralised Y = 0.018X+0.120 0.639 16.8 L h-1 Aerobic Y = 0.009X+0.415 0.395 ROS-neutralised Reverse transcriptase Y = 0.018X-0.052 0.611 Discussion While earlier studies have mostly concentrated on the application of TFFBR systems for chemical degradation, TiO2-based photocatalysis has proved its ability to enhance the rate of inactivation of microbes in contaminated drinking waters
and waste waters, enabling such waters to be disinfected [20, 21]. The present study has clearly shown that A. hydrophila ATCC 35654 can be effectively inactivated in spring water using the TFFBR under sunlight conditions of > 600 W m-2, demonstrating its potential for applications in aquaculture, especially in tropical and sub-tropical developing countries where sunlight is abundant and the resources for alternative forms of disinfection are scarce. The efficiency of the TFFBR was also investigated in this study by flowing (at 4.8 L h-1) contaminated spring water sample under high sunlight intensities and by using same sized glass with and without TiO2 under the same reactor conditions. The findings of this study confirm the results of two previous studies [7, 21]. The presence of TiO2 showed a clear enhancement in solar photocatalysis [21]. The current study clearly shows that solar energy alone is unsufficient to inactivate A.