50 The timing of EAA-rich protein consumption relative to the resistance training bout may also play an important role in the anabolic response. Resistance training induces increased blood-flow and utilization of amino acids for muscle protein synthesis. Therefore,
milk-based proteins should be consumed in close proximity to the resistance training session.50 Also, the elderly, in comparison Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the young, may require a greater amount of protein to achieve an anabolic response to resistance training. Yang et al.53 have reported that muscle protein synthesis in older adults is increased with ingestion of 40 g of whey protein, whereas in younger adults post-exercise rates of muscle protein synthesis are saturated with only 20 g of protein. The creatine/phospho-creatine energy system is used to sustain adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels during times of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical high energy demand as in resistance training bouts.54 Previous studies have reported an CYC202 concentration age-associated reduction in skeletal muscle creatine/phospho-creatine.54 Rawson et al.54 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical reviewed the effect of creatine supplementation on skeletal muscle of
the elderly. They have reported that supplementation of creatine in older adults, in combination with resistance training, increases lean body mass, enhances fatigue resistance, increases muscle strength, and improves performance of activities of daily living to a greater extent than resistance training alone. Although reported to be a safe dietary supplement, the safety of creatine supplementation and its long-term benefits to the elderly population need to be further investigated before including it as a recommended Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical strategy for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia.54 In summary, to maximize
the benefits of exercise in older adults as a method to combat sarcopenia progression, adequate dietary intake is of great importance. This includes sufficient caloric intake and consumption of EAA-rich protein sources that would promote muscle anabolism, especially in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical older persons taking part in resistance training programs. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AND SKELETAL MUSCLE Alcohol misusers frequently suffer from low muscle mass and strength, muscle pain, cramps, difficulties in gait, and falls.55 This phenomenon is known as alcoholic myopathy.55 Acute alcoholic isothipendyl myopathy occurs after severe alcoholic binges in malnourished alcoholics. It is a rare condition characterized by painful muscles, myoglobinuria, raised serum creatine kinase activities, and often renal impairment.55 However, chronic alcoholic myopathy is a common complication of alcoholism affecting approximately 50% of alcohol misusers.55 Chronic alcoholic myopathy is not associated with nutritional, vitamin, or mineral deficiencies or alcoholic liver disease, and it is reversible within 6–12 months of abstinence.