In this study, we investigated selleck chemical DCNAs of human aggressive bone tumors using the technique of array CGH. The quantitative measurement of DCNAs across the genome may facilitate oncogene identification, and might also be used for tumor classification. Materials and methods Tumor tissue specimens and DNA extraction Fourteen bone tumor samples were collected from
13 patients with aggressive bone tumors and frozen until use. Samples from 7 giant cell tumors (GCTs), 5 osteosarcoma (OS) and 1 chondrosarcoma, were obtained from the surgical- or biopsied specimens at the University Hospital of Toyama (Table 1). Patients consisted of 6 men and 7 women with an average age of 32.9 years old (range, 7–65 years). No cases had been received the chemotherapy before the sampling. This study protocol was LCZ696 concentration approved by the Institutional Review Board for Human Use at the University Hospital of Toyama. Table 1 Clinicopathologic data on the samples in genomic array analysis Cases Age Gender* Diagnosis** Follow-up*** Recurrence**** Outcome***** 1 16 F GCT 9y none NED 2 16 F GCT GDC-0941 purchase 12.5y 1 NED 3 18 M GCT 11.2y 1 NED 4 21 M GCT 11y none NED 5 25 M GCT 12.3y none NED 6 41 F GCT 20.6y 2 AWD 7 55 M GCT 16.2y 2 AWD 8 47 F chondrosarcoma 20y none NED 9 7 F OS 4y metastasis (+) DOD 10 41 M OS 9 m metastasis (+) DOD 11 58 F OS 20y none NED 12 65 F OS 6 m metastasis (+) DOD 13a
18 M OS (primary) 4 m metastasis (+) DOD 13b OS (metastasis) *Gender; F: female, M: male. **Diagnosis; GCT: giant cell tumor, OS: osteosarcoma. ***Follow-up; m: month, y: year. ****Recurrence: The number means operation times due to the recurrences. *****NED: no evidence of disease, AWD: Branched chain aminotransferase alive with disease, DOD: dead of disease. Tumor specimens were stored frozen at −80°C until use. Genomic DNA was isolated from the tumor according to standard procedures using proteinase K digestion and phenol-chloroform extraction [7]. Hybridization and analysis of array
CGH Hybridization and analysis of array CGH were performed according to the manufacture’s protocols (Vysis-Abbott Japan Inc., Tokyo, JAPAN). The array CGH consisted of 287 clones containing important tumor suppressor and oncogene loci. Each tumor DNA sample was labeled and hybridized to microarrays for CGH. One hundred nanogram of tumor DNA was labeled by random priming with fluorolink cy3-dUTP (Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences, Inc., Boston, MA, USA), and normal reference DNA was labeled in the same fashion with cy5-dUTP. Then, the tumor and control DNAs were mixed with Cot-1 DNA (Vysis-Abbott Japan Inc), precipitated, and re-suspended in microarray hybridization buffer containing 50% formamide. The hybridization solution was heated to 80°C for 10 min to denature the DNA, and then was incubated for 1 h at 37°C. Hybridization was performed for 72 h in a moist chamber, followed by post-hybridization wash in 50% formamide/2xSSC at 45°C.