, 2004, Pillow and Simoncelli, 2006, Park and Pillow, 2011 and Ra

, 2004, Pillow and Simoncelli, 2006, Park and Pillow, 2011 and Rajan et al., 2012). Note, though, that Adriamycin mouse obtaining multiple filters in the STC analysis does not mean that a multi-filter LN model is the only or simplest way of extending the LN model to fit the data; a single-pathway multi-stage cascade model, such as the sandwich model discussed above or a nested LN model, corresponding to an

LNLN cascade, could provide simple alternatives, underscoring the need to consider different model structures and analytical approaches. A typical example of STC analysis for a salamander retinal ganglion cell under stimulation with spatio-temporal white noise is shown in Fig. 3B–D, here using only one spatial dimension so that the stimulus consists of flickering stripes. The spike-triggered average (Fig. 3B) identifies the cell as an Off-type neuron. Spike-triggered covariance analysis, however, provides a more refined picture, yielding three spatio-temporal filters (Fig. 3C). These filters differ mostly in Alpelisib their pronounced spatial structure, revealing spatially antagonistic components even within the receptive field center. This analysis thus indicates that nonlinear spatial integration plays a major role for determining the spike response in this type of ganglion cell. However, determining the nature of these nonlinearities is typically difficult,

at least when more than two filters are found to be relevant,

because large amounts of data are required and because nonlinearities of stimulus integration have to be separated from the output nonlinearity of spike generation. found Yet, STC analysis can provide a useful starting point for further investigations of nonlinear stimulus integration. An interesting case where STC analysis has provided the basis for detailed investigations of input integration by retinal ganglion cells concerns On–Off ganglion cells, which are characterized by their responses to both increases and decreases in light intensity. For these cells, it has been shown that the stimulus sequences that triggered spikes can form two clusters in stimulus space, according to whether On-type or Off-type stimulation was primarily responsible for eliciting a given spike (Fairhall et al., 2006, Geffen et al., 2007 and Gollisch and Meister, 2008a). Analogously, interesting future extensions of STC analysis might aim at identifying actual physiological pathways underlying nonlinear spatial integration, for example corresponding to individual bipolar cells. The LN model provides a particularly compact description of ganglion cell responses, with easy-to-obtain parameters, capturing many features of retinal processing. Yet, when a closer correspondence with the elements of retinal anatomy is desired, other modeling frameworks are likely more appropriate.

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