d functional classification We used Protein ANalysis THrough Evol

d functional classification We used Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Rela tionships software to identify significantly enriched functional pathways and Gene Ontology terms associated with BORIS bound transcripts. Pro teins were functionally classified using the PANTHER system. Quantitative real time PCR Oligomycin A molecular weight Both the published primers and our own designed with Primer Express 2. 0 were used in this study. mRNA levels were quantified on an ABI7500 instrument using SYBR Green JumpStart Taq ReadyMix kit or platinium Taq polymerase kit with 50 100 ng of cDNA and 100 200 nM primers. We used primers spanning the exon 4 5 junc tion of BORIS and findings were confirmed using pub lished primers to exon 6 7, and exon 9 10 in a qRT PCR assay with various concentrations of total cellular RNA.

cDNA was generated using Oligo dT or random primers approach. Use of 100 ng or less RNA resulted in inconsistent detection of BORIS. We there fore optimized our experiments using 150 ng total RNA for BORIS assays and 40 ng total RNA for the highly expressed CTCF and GAPDH assays. Absolute concen trations were estimated using standard curves generated from serial dilution of amplicons. The threshold cycle from serial dilutions of single stranded oligonucleotides was plotted against the log copy numbers of the target PCR products, and reported as copy numbers ug of total RNA. Preparation and analysis of polysomes Cell extracts for polysome analysis were prepared as de scribed by Camacho Vanegas O et al.

Briefly, 5 x 108 cells were incubated with cyclohexemide for 30 mi nutes then washed with ice cold PBS containing 100 ug ml cycloheximide to block ribosomes at the step of elongation. Cells were lysed for 5 minutes in cold 1 x poly some buffer containing 100 ug ml cy cloheximide. Cytoplasmic extracts were obtained after cen trifugation at 10,000 �� g for 5 min at 4 C, and then loaded onto a linear sucrose gradient in polysome buf fer, and centrifuged at 100,000 �� g for 2 h at 4 C. 650 ul fraction were collected and absorbance at 260 and 254 nm was measured using a spectrophotometer. Ali quots of each fraction was mixed with 4 x PAGE loading buffer and analysed on a 4 12% NUPAGE gels. Cloning and transfection The GFP BORIS, GFP CTCF and pEGFP C3 vectors were transfected into HEK293T cells using FuGene 6 HD according to manufacturers protocol as previously described.

Activation of relative TCF LEF dual luciferase assay The effect of BORIS on the WNT pathway was evalu ated by measuring the activation of transcription factor TCF LEF with the Cignal TCF LEF reporter assay kit. In the first instance, HEK293T cells were cells co transfected with TCF LEF reporter con structs and either C3 BORIS or C3 empty vector, using Lipofectamin 2000 Carfilzomib according to manufac sellectchem turers instructions. In other experiments, non targeted or B catenin siRNAs were combined with the C3 BORIS or C3 empty vector and co transfected with TCF LEF reporter constructs according to manufacturers instructions. The TCF

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